Also Apple´s iCal has an export function, the exported file can only be displayed using iCal or special software. WebCalX allows you to publish your calendar as HTML-Site on the internet, which can be accessed with a standard internet browser. The layout of this site can be customized in many ways, so the resulting site can be integrated in your website. WebCalX supports recurring Events and large calendars so it´s perfect for everyone who wants to publish events on the internet.
Several calendars can be exported at the same time and automatically linked. It´s also possible to automatically Create a calendar with predefined settings. Furthermore WebCalX allows database export with defineable seperators.
WebCalX is Shareware, costs 5 US-$ and can be registered via Paypal or paying money to my german bank account. For details please refer to the "Read me" file inside the WebCalX folder.
+ Export format selectable (daily, weekly, monthly)
+ supports all special iCal-functions (recurring events, events lasting a whole day or several days etc.)
+ Colors from iCal can be used to seperate calendars in HTML-output
+ Layout can be customized in many ways, also an external CSS-file can be used
+ Export several calendars and create links between them
+ shows current month when linking from your homepage to calindex.html (redirect)
+ Database export
+ Automatic mode (WebCalX exports and then quits automatically)
+ FTP-Upload
+ remembers your Export-preferences
+ HTML-templates can be customized for each user on your machine